Climate Justice Toronto Organizing Meeting

Join us at our biweekly Climate Justice Toronto organizing meeting on Monday September 30th from 6-8:30 PM (5:30 for new folks!)

We have less than 11 years, according to the IPCC report, to completely transform our economy and society to avert further climate catastrophe. Yet Canadian governments refuse to take meaningful systemic action, and instead opt to spend billions in public money to fund more pipelines while doling out billions more for dead-end corporate welfare subsidies. Meanwhile, those at the frontlines of the climate crisis, namely Indigenous, racialized, and poor communities, are being neglected by decision-makers.

Climate Justice Toronto (CJTO) is organizing to unite young people from all movement backgrounds in the GTA to send a message to our governments and the broader public: the only people who will be making decisions about our future is us, the people affected, and especially the most marginalized among us. Through solidarity and alliance-building, direct action, creative storytelling, and electoral organizing, we will forge a just transition towards a decarbonized economy, and a Green New Deal for all.

DATE: Monday Sept 30, 2019
TIME: 6:00-8:30 PM (5:30 orientation for new folks!)
LOCATION: 720 Spadina Avenue, Suite 202 (Workers’ Action Centre)

**Access Notes**720 Spadina Ave (Suite 223) is located on the second floor of a building with two powered doors at sidewalk-grade level. There are two elevators. There are men’s, women’s and single-stall all-gender washrooms on the 2nd floor with manual doors that are opened with keys. The nearest TTC station is Spadina which has elevators on the Line 2 Bloor-Danforth platform. Please message us if you have any questions or concerns!

How to stay connected:
Like us on Facebook (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Instagram (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Twitter (@CJusticeTO).
Email us with your name, email, phone number, and postal code to be added to our listserv for official communications ([email protected])

UofT Global Climate Strike Rally: No TMX, No TMT!

On September 20th and 27th, millions of people all around the world are walking out of their workplaces, classes and homes to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Meanwhile, UofT’s administration continues to be complicit in the climate crisis and in violence against Indigenous peoples, from its continued investment in the fossil fuel industry to its support for the Thirty Metre Telescope project threatening the sacred mountain Mauna Kea.

Join the UofT climate strike coalition at 11am on September 20th to bring the global climate strike action to the doorsteps of Simcoe Hall. From the fossil fuel industry driving pipelines through Indigenous territories, to the TMT project on Mauna Kea, to Ford’s cuts to education here in Ontario and the UofT admin’s own failure to address the campus mental health crisis, universities such as UofT are helping to perpetuate the crisis that makes our future unlivable. This week, students are pushing back!

Keep watching for updates as we publish our demands this week!

This event is part of a series of climate strike events and actions at UofT. Find the full list here:

Heading for Extinction (and what to do about it)

The planet is in ecological crisis: we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event this planet has experienced. This includes us đź’€Scientists believe we may have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown. This is an emergency, and we have a short window to turn it around.

In this public talk, climate speakers from Extinction Rebellion will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer solutions through the study of social movements.

RSVP here (tickets are FREE):

The Fire Within: The Stories the Earth Speaks Through Us


We are at a time when we are being called to put focus on our relationship to the Earth, the fires burn loud to draw and keep our attention.   Overwhelmed, seeming like nothing can be done, we unite to touch into the complexities of our relationship to the Earth, to ourselves as an expression of the land, to our desire to exist in harmony.  The journey of climate crisis and justice is full of all that life offers and with it comes many stories and the spectrum of emotion. 


The Fire Within: Stories the Earth Speaks Through Us will be an improvised InterPlay performance where we explore the fullness of the climate justice story from our own lived experience – the grief and fear in the destruction in equal part to the precious connection we nurture as part of Earth community.  We will also invite you, the audience, to share some of your fears, hopes and questions during these firey times.


Performance Dates & Time:

Saturday, September 28th @ 2pm

Saturday, September 28th @ 7pm


Majlis Art Garden (majlis meaning “a place to sit” in Arabic)

163 Walnut Ave. (located between Queen & King, a few blocks West of Bathurst St.)

This venue is an intimate and whimsical indoor/outdoor space – so please do bring layers and a blanket if the air is cool.  To learn more visit:



$20 suggested donation or PWYC (pay-what-you-can)


All are welcome – this performance is appropriate for all ages depending on your child’s comfort with hearing and experiencing stories with full range of emotion.


InterPlay is an improvised practice that invites us to play with our birth right of sound, song, storytelling, movement, dance and stillness.  It is a chance to connect to our deep inner wisdom, create space for the diversity of stories within us to be told and affirm what brings us joy and hope in life. To learn more visit:

Toronto Climate Action Week: Documentary & Discussion

A national Climate Emergency was declared in Canada this summer following the findings of a government report that Canada is warming at twice the global average. Climate Action Week programs are community contributions towards increasing public awareness of issues and helpful actions in response.

Documentary & Discussion

with Emmay Mah – Executive Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Date: Friday September 20, 2019
Time: 6:30 – 8:30
Location: Lower Social Room, Noor Cultural Centre
Admission: Free

Ryerson CSR Institute Talk: Climate Crisis – Corporate Boards on the Hotseat

TTCriders at International #ClimateStrike

TTCriders is marching with youth #ClimateStrike-ers because we need better transit now as part of a just transition to a green and fair economy.

Dates & Locations:

Friday September 27, 9:00am @ KING STATION

Friday September 27, 11:00am-1:00pm @ QUEEN’S PARK (march with the TTCriders contingent)

 Join us on September 27 at the #ClimateStrike march to demand bold action on the climate crisis.

Can’t make it? Sign up to flyer with us at a transit stop that week:

Meet at 11am in the South-West corner of Queen’s Park
(look for the TTCriders banner)

international ClimateStrike event page:

TTCriders at International #ClimateStrike

TTCriders is marching with youth #ClimateStrike-ers because we need better transit now as part of a just transition to a green and fair economy.

Dates & Locations:

Thursday September 26, 9:00am-10:00am @SPADINA STATION

Thursday September 26, 5:30pm-6:30pm @ ROYAL YORK STATION

 Join us on September 27 at the #ClimateStrike march to demand bold action on the climate crisis.

Can’t make it? Sign up to flyer with us at a transit stop that week:

Meet at 11am in the South-West corner of Queen’s Park
(look for the TTCriders banner)

international ClimateStrike event page:

TTCriders at International #ClimateStrike

TTCriders is marching with youth #ClimateStrike-ers because we need better transit now as part of a just transition to a green and fair economy.

Dates & Locations:

Wednesday September 25, 8:30am-9:30am @ DONLANDS STATION

Wednesday September 25, 4:30pm-6:30pm @ KENNEDY STATION

 Join us on September 27 at the #ClimateStrike march to demand bold action on the climate crisis.

Can’t make it? Sign up to flyer with us at a transit stop that week:

Meet at 11am in the South-West corner of Queen’s Park
(look for the TTCriders banner)

international ClimateStrike event page: