Youth Climate Strike and Teach-In – Launch of the Global Week for Climate
Location: Hart House Circle, Outdoors on the lawn in front of Hart House.
“When I grow up, I’d like to be alive”…
The climate crisis is real, is happening already, and will affect everything we love. So what do we do when our world is under attack? STAND UP FIGHT BACK!
Join us for chants, songs, and a mass teach-in!
Our teach-in will be an all-ages learning space for children and youth, adults and elders. We will sit and talk with one another in small groups, to help each other become better speakers for the Earth, Water, and Life.
Young participants will learn how to talk to adults about climate change. Adults and elders will join in the conversation and support the young in honing their communication skills.
Youth and adult volunteers who wish to support this event by serving as volunteer facilitators or small group leaders, please register here. An optional training session will be provided.
Don’t miss this outstanding event!