Community Forum: A Green New Deal for Ontario
Climate change is impacting our communities, our cities, and our future. We can’t afford not to act now.
That’s why we need your input on the development of a Green New Deal for Ontario. A Green New Deal is a plan to reduce emissions and make our province carbon-neutral, all while creating good jobs, addressing equity, and adapting to our changing climate.
Join me for an interactive evening featuring special guests and opportunities to brainstorm and share ideas for how we can work together to protect the future of our planet for generations to come.
When: Wednesday, July 24, 2019, from 6 – 8 pm
Where: Cecil Community Centre (58 Cecil St.)
*Child minding services available upon request
Featured speakers include:
-Opposition Critic for the Environment and Sustainability Ian Arthur
-Maya Menzes, from The Leap
-Amara Possain, from 350.org
-Christina Hoicka, from York University – Faculty of Environmental Studies
RSVP at: https://www.jessicabellmpp.ca/green
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