Climate Strike Concert
On September 27th, Toronto will see its biggest strike and march for climate justice. It is hosted by Fridays For Future Toronto, who invites adults to join youth strikers in solidarity, and is backed by the S27 Coalition, a diverse group of activists, union members and individuals just like yourself.
We can no longer continue with business as usual. This is a crisis. Our governments need to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is.
10:00 Pre-Strike Street Mural 4 Climate Action – south end of the Queen’s Park grounds near the Sir John A. Macdonald Statue 11:00 – Rally at Queen’s Park
11:45 – 1.5 Minute of Silence to remember those who have already lost their lives to the climate crisis
12:00 – March. Route: east on Wellesley; south on Bay; west on Queen; north on University back to Queens Park.
2-3:30 – Concluding Rally and Music Performances
Speakers include:
Beze and Vanessa Gray from Aamjiwnaang First Nation
Cody Looking Horse, a young indigenous activist who was at Standing Rock
Carolynne Crawley, a Mi’kmaq food justice advocate
Dianne Saxe, the former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
Sonam Chokey, Students for a Free Tibet speaking about the meltdown of the Himalayas and Tibet
Maya Menezes from No One is Illegal and The Leap;
Fridays for Future youth
Performers include:
Bangerz Brass
Moscow Apartment
Wolf Saga
Lido Pimienta
Jim Creegan (Bare Naked Ladies) with Mike Evin
Nai Musicians
Bring your own water bottle!
Help us make this a zero-waste event – take away your own litter!
There will be an access van (2 wheelchairs, 5 ambulatory) for those who need it.
There will also be ASL interpreters for the rally.
The S27 Coalition is a self-organizing group headed up by Climate Justice TO and includes individuals representing Indigenous Climate Action; Toronto Environment Alliance; ClimateFast; Toronto350; Rising Tide Toronto; People’s Climate Movement; Greenpeace; David Suzuki Foundation; The LEAP; Toronto & York Region Labour Council and union members; TTC Riders; $15 and Fairness; Artists for Real Climate Action; Canadian Union of Postal Workers; Kairos Canada; Artists for Climate, Migrant Justice, and Indigenous Sovereignty; Disability Justice Network of Ontario; Elementary Teachers of Toronto; Extinction Rebellion Toronto; Indigenous Environmental Justice Project; No One Is Illegal TO; Students Say No; Parents for Future, and others.
Official demands for the strike can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GAF-G2Fhj0Usn95Z5fQIyk4dfJR4zi8wp04FLyxtFLg/edit?usp=sharing