Weekly Strike for Climate Justice

This Friday, January 31st, Fridays for Future Toronto will be demanding our federal government to reject TECK during our weekly strike. If the government chooses to go forward, this tar sands project will prevent Canada from reaching its Climate Emissions reductions targets (which we are already not on track to meet), destroy the habitat, and infringe on the rights of indigenous communities.

“The Teck Frontier is the largest open-pit tar sands mine ever proposed. If built, the Mine would be on Dene & Cree territory in Treaty No. 8 in an area with little to no industrial development. These lands and waters are home to one of the last existing, free-roaming, disease-free herds of wood bison. This area is also directly along the migration route for the only wild population of the endangered whooping crane, in close proximity to many of our communities, and 30 km from the boundary of UNESCO World Heritage site Wood Buffalo National Park— an area valued and protected for its cultural and biodiversity.” – Indigenous Climate Action
Join us at Queen’s Park (South) to demand climate action! Bring your signs, family, and friends!

What are our demands?
We demand the the inclusion of historically disenfranchised voices in this necessary transition, the implementation of strong environmental protection policy and the setting of bold emissions reduction targets so that Canada reaches net zero emissions by 2040. We also demand a rapid implementation of the UNDRIP principles and for the federal government to uphold its promises to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

If you would like to speak, marshal, or have accessibility needs. Please contact us at [email protected]

Accessibility: The nearest TTC station is Queen’s Park Station on Line 1

For all of the demands please check the link below:

Global Climate Strike for All Animals

Join a coalition of animal liberation groups at the upcoming Global Strike for Climate Justice in Toronto. We are showing up to (1) act in solidarity with the broader climate justice movements, (2) represent the nonhuman animals being mass killed and driven to extinction in climate catastrophes, and (3) demand an end to animal agriculture and industrial fishing and transition to sustainable plant-based food systems.

11:00-11:30: Meet at Fire Fighter Memorial
11:30: Head up to Queen’s Park for the rally
12:00: March together

Global Strike for Climate Justice

September 27th was only the beginning. 50 000 of you at least showed up for climate justice.

In the wake of the federal elections, it is crucial for us to hold our newly elected officials accountable to their electoral promises, and to push all levels of government to be more ambitious in their climate action.

On November 29th, be ready to strike, take the streets and mobilize to continue putting pressure on our governments.

Tentative plan:
11:00 Arrival of groups
Rally 11:30 sharp at Queens Park
March at 12:00 (Route tbd)

Climate Strike Concert

On September 27th, Toronto will see its biggest strike and march for climate justice. It is hosted by Fridays For Future Toronto, who invites adults to join youth strikers in solidarity, and is backed by the S27 Coalition, a diverse group of activists, union members and individuals just like yourself.

We can no longer continue with business as usual. This is a crisis. Our governments need to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is.


10:00 Pre-Strike Street Mural 4 Climate Action – south end of the Queen’s Park grounds near the Sir John A. Macdonald Statue 11:00 – Rally at Queen’s Park

11:45 – 1.5 Minute of Silence to remember those who have already lost their lives to the climate crisis

12:00 – March. Route: east on Wellesley; south on Bay; west on Queen; north on University back to Queens Park.

2-3:30 – Concluding Rally and Music Performances

Speakers include:

Beze and Vanessa Gray from Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Cody Looking Horse, a young indigenous activist who was at Standing Rock

Carolynne Crawley, a Mi’kmaq food justice advocate

Dianne Saxe, the former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

Sonam Chokey, Students for a Free Tibet speaking about the meltdown of the Himalayas and Tibet

Maya Menezes from No One is Illegal and The Leap;

Fridays for Future youth

Performers include:

Bangerz Brass

Moscow Apartment

Wolf Saga

Lido Pimienta

Jim Creegan (Bare Naked Ladies) with Mike Evin

Nai Musicians

Bring your own water bottle!

Help us make this a zero-waste event – take away your own litter!


There will be an access van (2 wheelchairs, 5 ambulatory) for those who need it.

There will also be ASL interpreters for the rally.

The S27 Coalition is a self-organizing group headed up by Climate Justice TO and includes individuals representing Indigenous Climate Action; Toronto Environment Alliance; ClimateFast; Toronto350; Rising Tide Toronto; People’s Climate Movement; Greenpeace; David Suzuki Foundation; The LEAP; Toronto & York Region Labour Council and union members; TTC Riders; $15 and Fairness; Artists for Real Climate Action; Canadian Union of Postal Workers; Kairos Canada; Artists for Climate, Migrant Justice, and Indigenous Sovereignty; Disability Justice Network of Ontario; Elementary Teachers of Toronto; Extinction Rebellion Toronto; Indigenous Environmental Justice Project; No One Is Illegal TO; Students Say No; Parents for Future, and others.

Official demands for the strike can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GAF-G2Fhj0Usn95Z5fQIyk4dfJR4zi8wp04FLyxtFLg/edit?usp=sharing

UN Climate Summit: Youth Speak Out!

September 23 is the day of the UN Climate Summit in New York City. In Toronto, we bring you a panel of seven speakers on the Youth Emergency Platform for Climate Justice.

From ClimateStrike Canada – Emergency Platform for Climate Justice

We, as citizens, therefore call upon all political parties and politicians to create and commit to a science-based and human rights focused Emergency Plan for Climate Justice that limits global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

We would like to see the following demands included in their Emergency Plan for Climate Justice:

1. Bold Emissions Reductions Targets: Legislate greenhouse gas emission reductions of 65% by 2030, reaching net zero emissions by 2040.

2. Separation of Oil and State: Reject all new fossil fuel extraction or transportation projects, eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, and price pollution.

3. A Just Transition: Transition to renewable energy and sustainable transportation infrastructure while guaranteeing opportunity for fossil fuel workers in the new economy.

4. Environmental Rights: Enshrine in law, the fundamental right to a healthy environment. This would include, but is not limited to, the right to safe air, clean water, and healthy soil.

5. Indigenous Rights: Commit to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in full.

6. Conservation of Biodiversity: Maintain and protect old growth forests, restore cut blocks, reduce habitat fragmentation and strengthen the protection of at risk species.

7. Protection for Vulnerable Groups: Recognize Canada’s disproportionate role in the climate crisis and subsequent responsibility for the protection of the most vulnerable. Include the addition of climate displacement as a basis for refugee status. Provide climate aid to lower and middle-income countries, as well as Arctic Canada, which disproportionately experiences the impacts of the climate crisis.

You can register and donate $5 – $20 on-line or pay what you can (pwyc) at the door.

Co-sponsored by Greenpeace and Fridays for Future

UofT Global Climate Strike Rally: No TMX, No TMT!

On September 20th and 27th, millions of people all around the world are walking out of their workplaces, classes and homes to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Meanwhile, UofT’s administration continues to be complicit in the climate crisis and in violence against Indigenous peoples, from its continued investment in the fossil fuel industry to its support for the Thirty Metre Telescope project threatening the sacred mountain Mauna Kea.

Join the UofT climate strike coalition at 11am on September 20th to bring the global climate strike action to the doorsteps of Simcoe Hall. From the fossil fuel industry driving pipelines through Indigenous territories, to the TMT project on Mauna Kea, to Ford’s cuts to education here in Ontario and the UofT admin’s own failure to address the campus mental health crisis, universities such as UofT are helping to perpetuate the crisis that makes our future unlivable. This week, students are pushing back!

Keep watching for updates as we publish our demands this week!

This event is part of a series of climate strike events and actions at UofT. Find the full list here: