Your Building Envelope: Air Sealing, Insulation, Windows & Doors
Are you thinking about renovating your home? Need to replace your windows or your air conditioning unit? Hear from leading industry experts on:
- rebates and incentives available
- your best options for heating and cooling your home
- the best time to start your renovation or upgrade appliances
- tips and tricks for planning the perfect renovation; and
- how renovating your home can have a positive impact on the planet and your health, while saving you money!
Did you know that homes and buildings account for over 50% of Toronto’s greenhouse gas emissions? BetterHomesTO is on a mission to help homeowners reduce emissions while making Toronto’s homes more comfortable and healthy.
Join Clean Air Partnership and renovation experts, Kirk Johnson and Jack Zhou, as they guide you through the upgrades to your home’s building envelope such as air sealing, insulation, windows and doors.
Topics covered will include:
- Resources to make your home more climate-friendly
- Renovation must-haves
- How upgrading your home’s building envelope during your renovation can save you time, money and reduce harmful emissions to the environment.
About the speakers:
Kirk Johnson – Eco-Efficiency Consulting
Kirk Johnson is a Sustainability Director with 17 years’ experience developing sustainability programs across Canada to address Capacity Building, Energy Efficiency, and Experiential Learning opportunities in the built environment. Program Sponsors for his $200+ million in cumulative program budgets include NRCan, Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), City of Toronto, Ontario Power Authority/IESO, HRAI, Humber College, EnerQuality, Enbridge, Toronto Hydro, and Ontario’s Ministry of Energy (MOE).
Kirk has been a Program Lead and Facilitator on sustainability programs and standards including CaGBC’s GREEN UP program, Humber College’s Energy Advisor Boot Camp, Home Efficiency Animator Training/HERO Program, Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s (CHBA) Net Zero Energy (NZE) house standard, NRCan’s Portfolio Manager program, EnerQuality’s Green Streets Program, ENERGY STAR for New Homes (ESNH) program and Energy Star for Multi-Family (ESMF) program.
Kirk teaches Sustainability and Project/Program Management at Humber College.
Jack Zhou – AJEC Energy Consulting
Jack Zhou is a well recognized Registered Energy Advisor (REA) for homes with over 15 year’s industry experience and the 2016 Evaluator of the Year award recipient
Jack holds a Bachelor of Architectural Science degree, and is a Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) Qualified Net Zero Energy Advisor, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Registered Energy Advisor, Certified Infrared Thermographer, Residential Air System Design Technician, and HVAC commissioning professional.
Jack and his companies have certified over 5,500 ENERGY STAR® for New Homes and completed over 6,000 EnerGuide existing Home Evaluations in Ontario. Jack also teaches high-performance wood-frame housing in British Columbia, South Korea, and the Republic of China.
He is working on the first CHBA Net Zero Energy home to be certified in downtown Toronto.