Webinar – A Green New Decade COUNTDOWN: A TEDxGreenNeighbours Network event
Positive action and progress is already underway. With existing technologies and methods to capture carbon and eliminate emissions, we can reach ‘drawdown’, the point in time when the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere starts to decline. We have all the solutions we need to solve the crisis while also producing jobs, improving health, saving money, eliminating hunger and preventing pollution. Climate solutions are key to protecting and regenerating the natural resources of our one planet, and rebuilding our relationship with the systems that sustain all life on Earth.
We have put together a diverse line-up of speakers who will share stories about solutions to reverse global warming across a range of issues — solutions that are already at work across society, including retrofitting buildings, active transportation, food waste and the new green economy. Through the insights of our speakers, we seek to foster learning, inspiration and wonder – and provoke conversations that matter. In the spirit of TEDx, “ideas worth spreading!”
This event launches 2020 Ecofair Toronto with a sneak-peak at the four themes of this year’s event: Carbon Countdown, Waste Not, Active & Healthy and Eco-economy. It is also part of the TEDx Countdown launch, a global movement to bring people together to spread ideas and inspiration about how to prevent the looming climate crisis and heal the damage that has already been done.
Together, We Can Change Climate Change!
Speakers include:
Dianne Saxe (Founder of Saxe Facts & former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario)
Elizabeth Bagley (Project Drawdown)
Dr. Antonia Sappong
Dr. Tomislav Svoboda
Sheena Sharp (CoolEarth Architecture)
Sayan Sivanesan (Toronto Environmental Alliance)
Jon Love (Drawdown Toronto)
Leslie Solomonian (College of Naturopathic Medicine)
Carolynne Crawley