U of T Sustainability Career Fair
Looking to land your dream job? The U of T Sustainability Career Fair – hosted by the Sustainable Engineers Association – aims to connect passionate students with companies focused on environmental, financial, and social sustainability initiatives! Connect with representatives from top-notch consulting companies, government agencies, NGOs, engineering service companies, as well as graduate institutions.
Join us on October 9, 2019 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Hart House Great Hall (7 Hart House Circle) for a day of networking, recruitment, and building meaningful connections with 15+ amazing startup and corporate employers.
Registration is FREE, sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sea-2019-sustainability-career-fair-tickets-70232825271
Interested in getting a photo taken for your LinkedIn profile? A professional headshot booth will also be available!
Currently Confirmed Attendees: (as of 9/3/19)
This list is continually being updated – stay tuned for the full list of attendees!
-Clear Blue Technologies
-Ontario Sustainable Engineers Association
-Tetra Tech