Turn off the Tap
What’s the big deal with plastic? This is the question we’re here to help you answer!
Maybe it’s your first time hearing about #plasticfreejuly, and you have no clue where to begin, or why you would even bother trying. Maybe you’ve been doing the whole sustainable thing for a while, but you feel like there’s still more to it. Or maybe you’ve already changed your WHOLE life only to realize that the world around you is still full of $h*%.
No matter where you are on this journey called Life, we see you, we’re here for you, and we’re about to take you on a mind-blowing journey of discovery into the interconnecting worlds of plastic production, capitalism, social justice, environmental racism and utopia!
This is the support group you didn’t know you needed. Every week will feature individual and collective actions that we can take to create tangible changes in our lives and worlds. Together, we will hold each other accountable and remind each other that we are not alone!
Everyone is welcome, and everyone is equal in this space.
We will meet over Zoom once every two weeks for a total of 3 sessions:
1. Life in Plastic: Not Fantastic (July 22, 2020 | 6:30-8pm EST)
Looking at the environmental and social impacts of plastic production across the globe.
2. Turn off the Tap (August 5, 2020 | 6:30-8pm EST)
Individual actions are great, but systems change is better. This week, we will explore how corporate interests have influenced public opinion about plastics, as well as government policy and practices surrounding waste management.
3. Mind Over Matter (August 19, 2020 | 6:30-8pm EST)
This session will be focused entirely on YOU. Transforming your world starts with transforming your relationship to yourself. Bring your journal and your favorite pen and get ready to explore your attitudes and relationships to the world around you. We will also answer any questions from the previous weeks’ learnings.