Training and Prep for Beyond Gas Power Advocacy Days

The Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign, the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, and Citizens’ Climate Lobby Ontario invite you to be part of a non-partisan advocacy effort aimed at stopping construction of new gas plants and expansion of existing gas plants in Ontario. This will be our kick-off event for participants (or those considering participation).

The Ontario government has tripled the use of gas power in the last 6 years, and is planning to double it yet again by 2043. If you are an Ontarian concerned about high electricity costs, and the staggering irreversible environmental and public health harms being caused by increased fossil fuel use, then join us in raising the alarm.

You will learn:

– background to the issue (you’ll also be sent links in advance)

– how to request a meeting with a politician (at the municipal, provincial, or federal level)

– how to prepare for a meeting

– how to conduct the meeting – key principles

– how to follow up from the meeting

We invite climate-concerned citizens from across the province to join this lobby effort. We are aiming to set up meetings with MPPs in May, from roughly May 8 to May 26.

Join in this workshop, even if you’re not sure you’ll engage your MPP.

Speakers will include:

– Special guest Cheryl McNamara, Citizens Climate Lobby (Canada)

– Lyn Adamson, Climate Fast and Ontario Climate Emergency Coalition, experienced mediator and conflict resolution trainer

– Angela Bischoff, Ontario Clean Air Alliance

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent AR6 Synthesis report for its sixth cycle (AR6) was unequivocal – no new fossil fuel infrastructure is to be built and all developed countries must reach net-zero electricity generation by 2035. Ontarians: together we can diffuse Ontario’s methane climate bomb!


Learn more at our next webinar on Beyond Gas with Mark Jacobson, Tues. April 18, 7 p.m. ET


Apr 05 2023


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Apr 05 2023
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm




look for wesbite link


Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign

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