Toronto East – Phase Out Gas, Power Up Renewables
The Ford government’s energy plan is moving in the wrong direction! They are continuing to invest in the Portlands Gas Plant, located at the waterfront in east Toronto, including a major refurbishment which will see the plant operate for at least another 10 years. We are calling on the Ford government to instead begin ramping down and phasing out the Portlands gas plant, and to halt the Ontario-wide expansion of gas fired electricity, and instead invest in renewables. This would include investments in offshore wind power, solar panel installations and energy conservation. Gas fired electricity plants cost more than renewables to build and operate, pollute the air with NOxious toxins and continue to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Unprecedented wildfires across so-called Canada this year, record global average temperatures and increasing frequency of extreme weather worldwide demonstrates that we have to change course to have a livable future. Join community members in the east end of Toronto to pressure governments to invest in the future rather than contributing to poor community health and more climate chaos. Let’s power up the future we want! Join us.