The 5 Nonprofit Business Models Revealed

Nonprofit financial leaders should take advantage of this webinar! 

Starting on January 31st, the Nonprofit Financial Commons will launch a revolutionary six-part series on the nonprofit sector’s five most prevalent business models. This, finally, is the intensive but practical course you were never offered in your training for nonprofit financial leadership—you do not want to miss it!

The first session is an in-depth introduction to a set of six seminars based on grounded research (or on-the-ground study over time) of the diverse and distinctive financial dynamics of different types of nonprofits. What drives, disrupts, and needs to be measured and monitored to optimize your organization’s financial outcomes, as compared to a performing arts or foster care operation? What do you have to consider when diversifying or shifting a revenue source? These seminars will provide a valuable framework that will help nonprofit leaders smooth out any periodically turbulent operations and strategically advance their organization’s financial positions.


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But that’s not all!

This webinar will provide participants an overall framework of the unique business principles that distinguish nonprofit enterprises from other sectors. From that foundation, you will

  • learn how the primary revenue sources drive the financial dynamics and needs of five different nonprofit business models;
  • learn the common risks, challenges, and capacity needs that are embedded in each;
  • explore the type of financial leadership orientation each needs;
  • get a fuller understanding of the hidden capital available to nonprofits; and more! 


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The primary presenters in this first session will be Hilda Polanco, Managing Partner of BDO FMA, and Ruth McCambridge, the former editor-in-chief of the Nonprofit Quarterly. Each brings years of experience in observing nonprofit business models in action.

We will also welcome Douglas Rushkoff as a special guest. Dr. Rushkoff is a well-known and provocative author and international lecturer on media, technology, culture, and economics.

BIO - 5 business models


Registrants who want full access to the full array of resources associated with this series on nonprofit business models should register for our forum, where additional resources and conversations about the topic will be available. In addition, the forum is where we will be hosting the sharing of knowledge and hard-won wisdom between participants – where the real treasure lies.


Jan 31 2023


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Jan 31 2023
  • Time: 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

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