Target Climate Willowdale – 2nd Community Networking Event
We are the students in Ms. Collier’s Grade 8 class of 8B at Cummer Valley Middle School, Toronto District School Board, 70 Maxome Avenue, Toronto. Like other students in the school, we have concerns about our future beyond the pandemic – about the climate crisis, about justice and equity issues, about the biodiversity loss in our oceans due to our own waste.
If we do not take action, the next generation, our generation, will pay for our mistakes.
Our class is planning a virtual community engagement event on sustainable living, linking our ideas to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This event is a second event in mobilizing the Willowdale community, following the Target Climate Willowdale event held in November 2019.
This event will be about hearing your plans and accessing your expertise. We already understand the situation and we already know what needs to be done. Now we need to get the actions started here in Willowdale, and we want you to meet your neighbours who have bought electric vehicles, installed solar panels and heat pumps, retrofitted their homes, begun eating vegetarian meals, and advocated for justice and equity. We want to give you a place to help each other change our Ward.
We would be happy to send you the zoom link for the event if you express interest in a return email to [email protected]. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Please list the Choice of breakout room discussions on: Climate, Justice, and Oceans