Stepping up to the Plate: How Canada can meet ambition on phasing out fossil fuel support
Under the Paris Agreement on climate change, Canada committed to reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Yet the country is set to miss this target, in part due to ongoing support for fossil fuels. In fact, a recent scorecard ranked Canada last among G20 OECD countries for progress in ending fossil fuel support, even as the federal government committed to net-zero by 2050.
This webinar will present Canada’s current state of fossil fuel support and identify where the problem spots are, comparing to other G20 countries. We’ll examine how Canada’s planned policies and actions will expand fossil fuel production, widening the gap from what’s needed for 1.5°C and 2°C pathways and creating other risks in the process. Special attention will be placed on what the US election means for climate action post-2021, helping to shed light on what can be expected from the new Biden administration and how it could affect Canada.