Speak up for climate action and a green and just recovery in the 2021 City Budget
Take action and call on the Mayor and City Council to get back on track with meeting Toronto’s climate emergency commitments.
Toronto City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, but since then, Toronto has fallen behind on commitments to building a low-carbon city.
Now, Toronto is facing multiple emergencies: a growing climate crisis, growing inequality, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot afford delays in meeting our emission reduction targets and we urgently need investments in climate action that can create good, green jobs, and improve health and well-being as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
On February 18th, City Council will vote on the 2021 City Budget, including funding for Toronto’s climate action plan. The proposed budget includes a reduction to the Environment and Energy Division (EED) budget – the City division leading climate action. This could delay Toronto’s climate emergency actions and put us further behind on meeting our 2030 emission reduction targets.
Contact the Mayor and your City Councillor before February 18th and urge them to get Toronto back on track with meeting its 2020-2021 climate emergency commitments and:
- Ensure a well-resourced Environment and Energy Division (EED). Add the $2.3 million dollars back into the EED budget that is needed to deliver on overdue and critical climate emergency commitments, including developing a net-zero emissions strategy, a low-carbon jobs strategy and a climate lens on all City spending decisions.
- Finalize a plan with accelerated actions that puts Toronto on track to meet its 2030 emission reduction target, including quick-wins in the transportation and building sectors.
- Finalize a strategy for securing dedicated, fair and sustained climate funding to adequately finance climate actions.
While the current pandemic gives new meaning to a “state of emergency”, the City of Toronto cannot forget its climate emergency commitments. A climate-related economic recovery lens can be a significant opportunity for Toronto now and into the future.