Series: Community Forum on the Climate Crisis

Extinction Rebellion Toronto, Science for Peace and Toronto350 present the latest in the bi-weekly “Heading for Extinction” series of discussions. This forum is a place for community members to hear different aspects of the climate and ecological catastrophe, ask questions and engage with other concerned members of the public.

On Feb 12th, Dr. Richard Sandbrook will present The Politics of the Great Transition, 2020-2050. What will politics look like in the next 30 years if we’re to successfully avert the unfolding climate and ecological catastrophe?

As always, the talk will be followed by a facilitated discussion period, so do stick around!

Richard Sandbrook, a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Toronto, received a D.Phil from the University of Sussex and an M.A. from the University of Toronto. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada since 1984, he has focused his research on Africa, alternative development strategies, and globalization. His successive research interests include the state and organized labour, the politics of the urban poor, the political roots of Africa’s economic stagnation, the political economy of the basic-needs and the neo-liberal development strategies, the relationship of democratization to development, and nature and viability of Left alternatives in the global south. This research has led to about 50 scholarly articles and ten books.


We are facing a climate catastrophe and in the beginning of the world’s 6th mass extinction event. What does it all actually mean? What are the risks? What can you do?

Join us for a discussion with Extinction Rebellion + Science for Peace + Toronto350 on how we can prevent ecological + systems collapse.

This is a bi-weekly event held at the University of Toronto. Each week we will cover a different topic. They include:

Climate and Politics
Potential Solutions
Impacts on People
Impacts on Agriculture
Climate and the Military
Psychological Responses to the Climate Catastrophe

Tickets are FREE

Oil and gas companies spend billions each year following the playbook of big tobacco, sowing confusion and lying to us. Our media has not been carrying its weight in reporting all the facts.

In this time of uncertainty, it is more important than ever that we connect with one another. Address your climate anxiety, overcome your despair. Connect with your community, learn about the climate and what you can do.


Feb 12 2020


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 12 2020
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm



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