Scaling up the movement: youth in-person meeting

The upcoming year is going to be crucial for humanity, but Canada seems to be ignoring the urgency of the crisis.

One of our team members attended the FFF European summit and wants to scale up our movement based on the best practices of the European one. One of them is the creation of a network of working teams to scale up our movement.

This in person meeting is meant for those in the team but especially the youth who wants to get more involved. We will mostly set up small working teams to expand our actions and become impossible to ignore: chalktivism, clean up teams, leafletting teams, creative team + open letter writers, high school liaisons in your schools and universities etc…
THE IDEA: having a regular presence in the city of Toronto, but also in the GTA, in order to be impossible to ignore.

– there is no hard age limit. However, we are a youth movement and hope this meeting can mostly be for those between the ages of 12 and 25 to decide how they want to take action in the upcoming year.

– It’s okay if you have no experience, and even more okay if you don’t think you know everything about the climate crisis. It’s also okay to show up and then decide you don’t actually want to join the working groups.

For any questions, email: [email protected]


Aug 26 2019


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Aug 26 2019
  • Time: 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm



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Fridays For Future

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