Quarrels and Quarries: Public Webinar
Aggregate mining — for gravel, sand and rocks —is big business in Ontario. The pits and quarries that go into getting these building blocks of construction also pose significant threats to wetlands, farmland, wildlife habitat and drinking water. The current Ontario government has made moves to reduce restrictions on where and how gravel pits and quarries are permitted, and it’s important that we all have the tools to stand up for the nature that protects us.
Join this webinar to hear from experts about Ontario’s policy that regulates (or doesn’t) aggregate extraction and from communities that are fighting back to protect the land they love. We will also give you ways to take action to prevent deregulation of the aggregate industry.
Confirmed Panelists:
Graham Flint–Gravel Watch Ontario http://gravelwatch.org/
Ramani Nadarajah–Canadian Environmental Law Association https://cela.ca/
Jeff Monague-Knowledge Keeper, Beausoleil First Nation
Dr. Jacqueline D. Litzgus–Professor, Department of Biology Laurentian University
Zoom details
Wilderness Committee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Quarrels With Quarries Webinar
Time: Jun 17, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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