Public Meetings
This page lists all of the public meetings that the Ward 2 Team holds throughout the year. Only meetings for 2023 are listed here at present. The types of meetings include town halls, neighbourhood meetings, and community councils. You will find meeting materials, including documents and slide decks, and a list of past public meetings at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming Public Meetings
- December 5, 2024 – 2025 Budget Town Hall – Gasworks – 7:00pm
Community Councils
The goal of Community Councils is to both assist me with decisions that impact specific communities and to allow those communities an avenue to have their concerns addressed and ideas explored in collaboration with their peers.
Most of our Community Councils have not been formally established yet, but the Neighbourhood Association Council met for the first time on January 31, 2023 and held 4 subsequent meetings at City Hall. There was a preliminary meeting of the Tenant Council in 2023 and we’ve been meeting regularly in 2024. For more updated information, please read the descriptions below.
- Heritage Council – This group officially met for the first time on March 13, 2024. The goal of the Heritage Council will be to help expand the work being done to monitor heritage properties in Ward 2 and establish a terms of reference to define other work. Some members of the community have reached out to suggest a number of different things this group could do including social media posts to bring awareness to heritage properties and organizing local heritage events. The W2HC will meet again on September 23, 2024.
- Neighbourhood Association Council – This Council has been meeting since early 2023, every other month, to discuss issues raised by formal neighbourhood or community associations from each of Ward 2’s six neighbourhoods. It’s an opportunity for me to meet with organized groups of volunteers who are holding important annual events, engaging with residents, and who want to come together to find common ground to organize, push for policy, and make our City better. The members of the NAC include the –
- Beasley Neighbourhood Association – BNA
- Central Neighbourhood Association – CNA
- Corktown Neighbourhood Association – Corktown NA
- Durand Neighbourhood Association – DNA
- North End Neighbourhood Association – NENA
- Stinson Community Association – SCA
- Tenant Council – We started planning for our Tenant Council in 2023 and have since convened about 20 tenants from different parts of Ward 2 to begin planning a Ward wide Tenant Survey to find out what issues are impacting the nearly 30,000 people who rent their homes in Ward 2 (making up a staggering 77% of Ward 2’s population). We’re currently in the process of conducting a detailed cataloguing all of Ward 2’s apartment buildings and plan to distribute the survey on May 13, 2024. We’re planning a future meeting to help tenants organize themselves into tenant associations and to disseminate the results of our survey and talk about next steps for turning residents’ concerns into public policy and direct advocacy at all levels of government. It will be held on July 6 at 1:00pm with the location to be determined.
- Youth Council – We’re hoping to form a Youth Council later this year and to recruit potentially interested members after the first Hamilton Youth Town Hall (HYTH) in April 2024. The HYTH is being planned in coordination with the City of Hamilton and Councillors from Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, and 13. We’re inviting students to City Hall to talk to their elected representatives, tell us what matters to them, and find ways to action their top issues and concerns. We’re hoping to make this a larger annual event that includes all members of Council, but decided to start off with the central, east, and west parts of the City.