Proxy Preview REVIEW 2023
Get ready for Proxy Preview REVIEW 2023! It’s been an action-packed proxy season. This webinar will highlight key votes and trends. We will discuss how the anti-ESG crusade affected proxy season and look at over 330 environmental and social shareholder resolutions voted so far this year, more than 200 withdrawn and more than 30 yet to come before year’s end. Learn more about -Changing trends, proposal content, and strategies concerning climate change, political spending, racial justice, DEI, and more -Continued commitments to fair pay, diversity, and lobbying disclosure -New shareholder concerns about reproductive rights and worker rights -Red state legislators’ attempts to make proxy voting part of a “culture war” WEBINAR DETAILS Thursday, July 27, 2023 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET Proxy Preview is the #1 resource for shareholders seeking to understand key social and environmental issues raised by investors. This free publication provides the most comprehensive data on hundreds of shareholder resolutions — including on climate change, racial justice, corporate political spending and lobbying, human rights, diversity, fair pay and working conditions, reproductive rights, big tech disinformation, sustainable governance, and much more. Proxy Preview is a unique collaboration between As You Sow®, the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), and Proxy Impact. Best regards, The Proxy Preview Team