Community Call
Your Climate Action Intentions
Each month the Community Call focuses on a new topic. For our first official Community Call, we will be exploring the deeper values and intentions that can guide us and bring us joy as we take action towards a sustainable future.
We’re happy to have Amy Castator as our guest speaker to guide us through a workshop called: Your Climate Action Intentions
A Climate Action Intention is an underlying direction, aim, or purpose that supports a sustainable future and brings great meaning to your life. These intentions are held deep within you and bring you joy when you are fulfilling them. In this workshop, you’ll discover your Climate Action Intentions and learn how to access them to help you stay grounded, nurtured and energized on your climate action journey.
About Amy:
Amy Castator is a long-time climate activist and community builder. She is the co-founder and President of Carbon Conversations TO, and for 8 years, worked at WWF-Canada managing the award-winning Living Planet @ Work program. Amy has supported thousands of employees from workplaces across the country to take action for nature. Amy is now the Founder of Amy Castator Coaching, a life coaching practice that helps people create and move toward a vision for a life they love that integrates purpose, care for our planet, and care for themselves.