LNG exposed: Diving into health and environmental risks of LNG
Please join us for a vital conversation about liquefied natural gas, LNG, and its impacts.
With multiple LNG projects proposed for B.C. and with our energy future set to be a high-profile issue in the heated provincial election coming up in October, this is a strategic time to learn more and speak more loudly about the wise energy choices we want our leaders to make with us and for us.
The science and expert analysis are clear: LNG is a risky bet on every front, a risk we simply cannot take.
LNG and the fracking boom needed to feed it pose a range of serious health problems, especially for the very young and elderly. Melissa Lem, family physician and president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, will describe the health risks of LNG, from low birth weight and higher infant mortality to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Tara Marsden, from the Lax Ganeda (Frog) Clan of Gitanyow Huwilp of the Gitksan peoples, will offer her knowledge and wisdom about advancing sustainable development and operationalizing free, prior and informed consent for Indigenous Peoples. Tara will share some of her experience in opposing the Ksi Lisims LNG project because of the environmental damage it would bring to Gitanyow territory and beyond.
Arielle Dougherty, a front-line activist in Texas, will share her grassroots experience from the Gulf Coast where she was working in solidarity with community groups to limit the damage done by LNG projects and other industrial activity.