Livestream Rally for Peace – We are united!
On January 3, President Donald Trump’s administration authorized an attack in Iran against General Qasem Soleimani, which prompted talks of another war, invoking fear into the hearts of our society. War is something that our generation has been raised on. There’s no time where we can remember not having any wars. My generation was raised on constant fear and conflict. Much of the conflict we concern ourselves with has often been about the fight for oil, masked as a need to protect people. Our generation is tired of the same conflicts repeating itself only to never be resolved. At this point it’s clear that nothing will change unless we change, and unless we’re willing to get involved in the issues close to us. From the time we were kids we keep hearing about people wanting to target us, how we shouldn’t be friends with our neighbors, and how we should pull ourselves up by our bootstraps to get the job done, when clearly nothing will get done unless we learn to work together.
Our generation will be the last in repeating the same mistakes from previous ones, and it’s one of our goals to show that we’re all in this together. On March 21st 2020, please tune into Facebook for a livestream of the event, starting at 12pm. An actual in-person rally will take place later on after the Covid-19 winds down.
As one of the most diverse cities in Canada, we play a huge role in representing equality and justice. We want negotiations and positive actions that benefit our planet, not conflict. That’s why it’s more important than ever to speak up. The rally will include speeches and even music. We encourage you to bring instruments and your chants of solidarity. If you don’t have an instrument at home you can follow the tradition of casserole protests (known as cacerolazo in Spanish) by using pots and pans to make some noise! We deserve to be seen, and we deserve to be heard. The kind of world we wish to have isn’t impossible, as long as everyone works together.