Just Recovery Teach-In & Open Meeting

As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis and prepare to rebuild, hundreds of organizations across Canada have endorsed the Principles of a Just Recovery to make sure governments know that we cannot and will not go back to the way things were–a world defined by government inaction in the face of ongoing, pre-existing crises of colonialism, human rights abuses, social inequity, ecological degradation, and climate change.
The Just Recovery asserts that we can build back better after the pandemic–that we can reorient our society to tackle the climate crisis, rising inequality, and systemic racism. This means taking action against systemic racism that disproportionately exposes Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities to COVID-19, the climate crisis, and state violence.
Join Leap UofT for a teach-in on the Principles for a Just Recovery and a discussion on what organizing for a just recovery looks like on campus. Space is limited, so be sure to register at the eventbrite link. Speakers will be announced as they are confirmed!
🌟Diana M. Barrero Jaramillo is a Latina feminist researcher and educator. She is currently completing her PhD at the University of Toronto with a collaborative specialization in Women and Gender Studies and Comparative, International, and Development Education. Her doctoral research draws from transnational feminist perspectives and examines how Colombian women facilitate peacebuilding pedagogies using textile-based activities. She is currently part of the editorial team at Curriculum Inquiry and works as a teaching assistant for the Centre for Critical Development Studies at UTSC. Alongside other graduate students at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and the Faculty of Arts of Science, she has organized several student-led initiatives over the past months centering the concerns of graduate students as the university adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic.
🌟Justin Holloway is a member, activist, and steward with USW Local 1998 (the largest union of administrative and technical staff at the University of Toronto). He’s been an administrative staff member at U of T for the past eighteen years. Justin holds a Master of Arts in Adult Education and Community Development from OISE. He is currently pursuing his PhD at OISE with a focus on the emerging field of research called Critical University Studies.
🌟Anjum Sultana is an internationally-recognized advocate for progressive public policies to create a more just and equitable society. Anjum is the Founder of Millennial Womxn in Policy, a grassroots community of practice that connects more than 3,000 young women and non-binary people working in policy across North America and Europe. Anjum holds a Masters of Public Health from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Recently, Anjum was appointed to CivicAction’s Re:Action Task Force which feeds into and advises various COVID19 recovery tables throughout the greater Toronto region.
Read the Principles for a Just Recovery, and find recordings of previous teach-ins, here:
Watch a webinar on the just recovery and anti-racism here:
***Leap UofT is an OPIRG-Toronto Action Group***


Jul 21 2020


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Jul 21 - 22 2020
  • Time: 11:00 pm - 1:00 am

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