Introduction to Media Strategy for Organizers and Activists
What works best to get media out to cover your event/protest/strike/direct action? Learn your first steps here!
About the facilitator:
Martin Lukacs is a journalist who’s been involved in social movements for more than 15 years.
Sliding scale: $20-50 (free for students/volunteers/staff with Greenpeace Toronto, George Brown Student Action Centre, OPIRG Toronto, OPSEU, No One Is Illegal-Toronto.
About the Workshop:
Regard the corporate media with suspicion? You’re right to.
Feel compromised by engaging with them? That’s totally understandable.
But whether we like it or not, we’ve got to use the media to reach people and advance our messages.
This interactive workshop is for those who want to do more effective media work as part of your campaigning or organizing.
The workshop’s goals include learning to develop a media plan, use story-based messaging, give compelling interviews, cultivate relationships with reporters, and fight back against bad coverage.
Note: We are holding an advanced workshop for media strategy on March 26. If media strategy is new for you, we encourage you to attend this workshop first.