Indigenous Survival: Conversations from Maya-Guatemala and Quechua-Peru
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges worldwide. Many communities are struggling to survive at a time where food systems are severely impacted by lockdown restrictions and disruptions to supply chains. Local governments are overwhelmed, food is scarce, and hygiene products are difficult to access – this is the reality for families living in Maya-Q’eqchi in Guatemala, and Quechua in the Cusco region of Peru.
This webinar will introduce the voices of Plenty Canada’s international Indigenous advisors in a discussion with the Maya and Quechua activists who mobilized and launched emergency relief responses to assist their communities in Guatemala and Peru. Plenty Canada’s Executive Director, Larry McDermott and international advisor, Jose Barreiro (Taino), will join the discussion, which will also feature selected additional guests, short videos and other visual materials.
Although this year has been difficult, we invite you to come join us in a celebration of learning, strength and resilience on Tuesday, December 29th 2020 from 4 pm – 6 pm EST.
This event is free to attend, however if you are interested in supporting emergency relief initiatives in these communities, please check out our fundraising page here: