How will climate change impact apartment building residents?
How will climate change impact apartment building residents? Dr. Marianne Touchie is the Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Urban Housing and examines thermal resilience in mid-rise and high-rise buildings, which includes most social housing buildings in Toronto. During this seminar, Dr.Touchie will provide an introduction to these post-war multi-unit buildings in Toronto and who lives there. We will explore the ways in which climate change will impact the health of residents in these buildings; what we can do to protect them through modifications; the challenges in that process; and implications for health equity. A brief Q&A will follow, moderated by Dr. Fiona Miller, Director, Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care. Lunch will be provided.
Marianne Touchie is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in the Departments of Civil & Mineral Engineering and Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto and Director of the Building Energy and Indoor Environment Lab. Her interdisciplinary research program explores the interactions between occupant behaviour, the building enclosure and mechanical systems and how these three factors can be engineered to improve energy performance, indoor environmental quality and occupant comfort, health and wellbeing.