Groundswell: An Indigenous Mining Justice Summit
Gitxaala Nation has launched a groundbreaking legal challenge that takes aim at B.C.’s outdated Mineral Tenure Act. Currently, the province allows anyone with $25 and a laptop to stake a mining claim, without so much as having to notify the Nation whose territory they’re prospecting on.
Still recovering from the mess left behind by Yellow Giant on sacred Lax k’naga dzol (Banks Island), Gitxaala are being joined by other First Nations, advocacy groups and Indigenous organizations who see this case as a once-in-a-generation chance to strike down Gold-rush era laws that violate rights and desecrate Indigenous lands and waters.
Together with West Coast Environmental Law, BC Mining Law Reform and Gitxaala Nation, RAVEN is hosting “Groundswell: An Indigenous Mining Justice Summit” on Thursday, December 15. Hear from Gitxaala leadership, allied Nations and mining justice advocates and help raise $10k for this historic and game-changing legal challenge.
Attend in person: Thursday December 15, 7 pm 500 Granville Street
OR via Zoom