Green Hearts for Mother’s Day – GTA (WEBINAR)

This campaign is about sending mothers’ messages directly to federal politicians, asking them to take direct action for a green recovery for Canada. There are two sessions to choose from to learn more about the campaign: Sat May 2 (1 pm ET) or Monday May 4 (8 pm ET).

This year, Mother’s Day will look different from what we’re used to. We won’t be able to go out together or visit with extended family; in many cases, we won’t even be able to see our own mothers in person. But there will still be love – for Mother’s Day, at its core, is a celebration of love and in the midst of this crisis love is more important than ever.

It is in this spirit of love that we hope to make this Mother’s Day special in a new way. As the world looks for direction in this time of crisis, and as we reflect with concern on our children’s future, we can use our voices – as mothers, parents, and caretakers – to call upon our elected representatives to build a better world for everyone’s children. In doing so, we stand in solidarity with mothers on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis, with mothers trying to care for their children while dealing with isolation, economic uncertainty,or racial oppression, and with Indigenous mothers seeking to protect their children and their lands in the face of injustice.

The Green Hearts campaign involves sending a green paper heart to your federal Member of Parliament (MP) with a personal message asking them to work for real climate action on behalf of all children. Join us to strategize about how to spread this campaign across the GTA and flood your MP’s offices with green hearts.


May 04 2020


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 04 2020
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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