Faithful Climate Conversation (Creation, Climate, and You)
Join Kylah Lohnes (KAIROS) and James Kornelsen (Canadian Foodgrains Bank) for a public Faithful Climate Conversation on Creation, Climate, and You. This conversation is open to anyone who would like to learn more about basic climate science, discuss how climate change makes them feel, and imagine what the future might hold.
Please note that registration is limited to 10 people and this session is in ENGLISH only. This is the first in a series of public Faithful Climate Conversations that For the Love of Creation will host over the next couple of months. Please stay tuned to the Events page for other upcoming conversations. For the Love of Creation has developed a set of three Faithful Climate Conversations guides, designed for anyone to facilitate. To learn more and download the guides, visit the Engagement section of our website.
James Kornelsen is the public engagement manager at Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Serving in this role since 2008, he has created learning & advocacy resources, coordinated visits from international visitors, led food security learning tours to several countries, and has given leadership to education and advocacy campaigns. James is trained as a teacher with experience in middle and high school education, as well as four years of non-formal education and training while working with Mennonite Central Committee and the Anglican Diocese of Lebombos in Mozambique. He currently lives with his partner and four kids in Winnipeg, MB.
Kylah Lohnes lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick along the banks of the beautiful and bountiful Wolastoq River. She is a student at Wycliffe College taking a Masters of Theological Studies in Urban and Community Development and hopes to establish her career in community ministry, helping churches engage in God’s mission in their neighbourhoods. She is passionate about Indigenous rights, food justice and penguins.