Extinction Rebellion Toronto Orientation
Please sign up using the link to Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/extinction-rebellion-toronto-orientation-tickets-65191063225
July 22: Room 5290 – Volunteer Child-minding CONFIRMED
August 12: Room 5230 – Volunteer child-minding may be available watch for updates
August 26: Room 5240 – Volunteer child-minding may be available watch for updates
Wondering what Extinction Rebellion Toronto is all about? Hoping to find out how to get involved? This is a crash course on the movement’s origins and impacts in the UK, it’s demands and principles, how the Toronto group is structured and how you can join a working group or start your own affinity group and leap into action immediately.
For more info:
Read more about the global organization here: https://rebellion.earth/the-truth/about-us/
Here is the XR Toronto Website: https://extinctionrebelliontoronto.org