Distinguished Lecture Series: Julian Marshall
“Just” cities: traffic-related air pollution and justice in the context of urban sustainability
Air pollution is the largest environmental health risk globally and in Canada. A key challenge in urban sustainability is understanding and addressing disparities in exposure to air pollution, for example with respect to race and income. This talk will discuss evidence regarding existing disparities and potential steps to address those disparities.
Professor Julian D. Marshall, University of Washington
His research is at the intersection of air pollution, transportation, environmental justice, and public health.
Julian Marshall is the Kiely Endowed Professor of Environmental Engineering at University of Washington. Dr. Marshall studies exposure to air pollution, including air pollution health impacts of transportation and electricity-generation; disparities in exposure; and air pollution measurements in low-income countries. He is Associate Editor for Environmental Health Perspectives and for Development Engineering. Dr. Marshall earned his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering with High Honors from Princeton, and an MS and PhD in Energy and Resources from UC Berkeley.
Dr. Marshall has published >100 peer-reviewed journal articles, including several “most-read” / “most-downloaded” articles. Grants he has contributed to during his career total >$30 million. He currently is dual-PI on a $10 million EPA grant supporting the Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES).
Dr. Marshall teaches classes in Air Quality Engineering, and he runs the Grand Challenges Impact Lab, a UW study abroad program in Bangalore, India.
- Ph.D., Energy & Resources, UC Berkeley, 2005
- M.S., Energy & Resources, UC Berkeley, 2002
- B.S.E., Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, 1996
Honors & awards
- John R. Kiely Professorship, University of Washington, 2016 – present
- Charles E. Bowers Teaching Award, University of Minnesota (UMN), 2014
- C. Eugene Allen Award for Innovative International Initiatives (awarded to the Acara program), UMN, 2014
- Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Award, International Society of Exposure Science, 2013
- McKnight Land-Grant Professorship, UMN, 2009–2011
- Young Engineer of the Year, American Society of Civil Engineers, Minnesota Section, 2009
- One article (Ji et al., 2012) on the “most read” list from Environmental Science & Technology
- One article (Marshall and Toffel, 2005) on the “most downloaded” list from Environmental Science & Technology
- Two articles (Marshall, McKone, et al., 2005; Marshall, Nethery, et al., 2008) on the “most downloaded” list from Atmospheric Environment
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, U.C. Berkeley, 2005. Award states: “Each year, fewer than 10% of GSIs earn this distinguished award”