Climate Justice Toronto Organizing Meeting (ONLINE)
Join us at our biweekly Climate Justice Toronto organizing meeting ONLINE on Thursday April 23rd, from 6-8:00 PM. Join at 5:30 PM for an orientation for new folks!
We have less than 11 years, according to the IPCC report, to completely transform our economy and society to avert further climate catastrophe. Yet Canadian governments refuse to take meaningful systemic action, and instead opt to spend billions in public money to fund more pipelines while doling out billions more for dead-end corporate welfare subsidies. Meanwhile, those at the frontlines of the climate crisis, namely Indigenous, Black, racialized, and poor communities, are being neglected by decision-makers.
Climate Justice Toronto (CJTO) is organizing to unite young people from all movement backgrounds in the GTA to send a message to our governments and the broader public: the only people who will be making decisions about our future is us, the people affected, and especially the most marginalized among us. Through solidarity and alliance-building, direct action, creative storytelling, and electoral organizing, we will forge a just transition towards a decarbonized economy, and a Green New Deal for all.
Join us at our biweekly Climate Justice Toronto organizing meeting on Thursday April 23rd from 6:00-8:30 PM. (5:30PM for new folks!)
DATE: Thursday April 23rd, 2020
TIME: 6:00-8:00 PM
LOCATION: Online, via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting using the following info:
Meeting ID: 487-443-077
Password: 846171
Dial by your location:
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
*Note: we will have closed captioning throughout the whole meeting!
How to stay connected:
Like us on Facebook (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Instagram (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Twitter (@CJusticeTO).