Climate Justice Toronto Organizing Meeting

We have less than 10 years, according to the IPCC report, to completely transform our economy and society to avert further climate catastrophe. Yet Canadian governments refuse to take meaningful systemic action, and instead opt to spend billions in public money to fund more pipelines while doling out billions more for dead-end corporate welfare subsidies. Meanwhile, those at the frontlines of the climate crisis, namely Indigenous, racialized, and poor communities, are being neglected by decision-makers.

Climate Justice Toronto (CJTO) is organizing to unite young people from all movement backgrounds in the GTA to send a message to our governments and the broader public: the only people who will be making decisions about our future is us, the people affected, and especially the most marginalized among us. Through solidarity and alliance-building, direct action, creative storytelling, and electoral organizing, we will forge a just transition towards a decarbonized economy, and a Green New Deal for all.

Join us at our biweekly Climate Justice Toronto organizing meeting on Monday February 10th from 6:00-8:30 PM. If it will be your first meeting, please come at 5:30 for orientation.

DATE: Monday February 10th, 2020
TIME: 6:00-8:30 PM (5:30 orientation for new folks!)
LOCATION: 155 College St. Room 700, 7th Floor Lounge (Dalla Lana School of Public Health)

///////////////////// Access Notes /////////////////////////
The Dalla Lana School of Public Health is located at 155 College St and has a wheelchair accessible ramp with continuous handrails leading up to two sets of powered doors with large push plates. To get to the 7th floor lounge, there are elevators in the lobby. The 7th floor has both gender-segregated washrooms and single-user universal washrooms. The nearest TTC station is Queen’s Park, which has 2 accessible entrances (northeast corner of University/College & 661 University Ave in the MaRS building).

We ask that you come without wearing any scents or fragrances. Please message us if there’s anything we can do to make it easier for you to attend the meeting!

//////////////////// How to stay connected ///////////////////////
Like us on Facebook (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Instagram (@ClimateJusticeTO).
Follow us on Twitter (@CJusticeTO).

Fill out this form to be added to our email list for official communications for CJTO: If you’re connected to or based in Peel, sign-up here:


Feb 10 2020


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Feb 11 2020
  • Time: 12:00 am - 2:30 am

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Dalla Lana School of Public Health 155 College St, Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M7
155 College St, Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M7


Climate Justice Toronto
Climate Justice Toronto
[email protected]

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