Climate and Healthcare Teach In
Friday’s for FutureTO’s Climate and Healthcare Teach In
Climate Change will intensify current issues with human health due to increases in global temperature, variable precipitation (snowfall, rain), and the rate that diseases are transmitted through water or animals. The effects of Climate Change will create a global environment that is very hostile for anything alive.
An increasingly hostile environment will strain healthcare systems worldwide and will cost every government billions in futile attempts to mitigate the damage. These effects will be felt much more in impoverished and marginalized groups of society, such as the homeless for example. The Earth will become increasingly difficult for humans to comfortably live on if we continue with our campaign of destruction against our planet.
This teach-in will be focusing on the junctions between our health and Climate Change with the goal of having open dialogue on the topic to further build collective understanding.
We would like to introduce our guest speakers for the climate and healthcare teach-in!
Dr. Sappong is a community family physician based in Toronto, passionate about environmental and social justice. She is the co-founder of PlasticFree Toronto, an educational platform devoted to environmental sustainability, climate justice, and community resilience.
Helena Kita is a second year medical student at the University of Toronto with an interest in how the social determinants of health intersect with climate justice.
ZOOM link:
Fridays for Future Toronto is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Our Health and the Health of Planet Earth: Climate and Healthcare Teach-In
Time: Jun 1, 2020 02:00 PM Toronto
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Meeting ID: 849 6287 6245
Password: Healthcare
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