City of Toronto – Budget Consultation (virtual)
City Council will be considering Toronto’s 2024 Budget soon, making critical decisions about services, the City’s financial challenges and securing a New Deal for Toronto. These decisions impact Toronto’s ability to deliver services and programs that support an equitable and affordable quality of life for all.
Toronto residents are invited to join Mayor Olivia Chow, Councillor Shelley Carroll (Don Valley North), Chair of the Budget Committee, Members of Council and other Torontonians to share their ideas about the City’s 2024 Budget and Toronto’s future in one of eight virtual and in-person consultations and through an online survey and tool.
The questions the City is asking online and at meetings are:
- What service do you think is most important for the City to invest in and why?
- What service should the City decrease funding to and why?
- Do you agree that the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada should step up and pay their fair share of funding for municipal services and programs?
- What actions would you take with your neighbours to get a New Deal and achieve long-term stability and sustainability of Toronto’s finances?
Mayor Chow and Toronto City Council will use the feedback to help inform decision-making at the City and to support discussions with the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada to secure sustainable financing for Toronto. The results will be presented to the Budget Committee when the 2024 Budget launches on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, and will ultimately accompany the Budget Committee’s recommendations to Mayor Chow for the Mayor’s budget, which will be released by Thursday, February 1, 2024.