#BuildBackBetter: Digital Conversations
COVID-19 has blindsided the world with its global scale, speed, and economic turbulence. Local food sustainability, mental health, mass unemployment, service delivery online, long-term care, and essential workers’ rights are examples of the real problems recasted and exacerbated by the pandemic.
The pandemic has also revealed the fragility of the social impact world’s infrastructure, capacity, and resources to respond to COVID-19 and its cascading challenges post-pandemic. This raises the question: How should the social impact world build back better in order to meet the dramatic changes communities face post-pandemic?
From mid-July until December 2020, Future of Good in partnership with Community Foundations of Canada and United Way Centraide Canada is hosting a series of digital conversations for social impact organizations to understand the dramatic changes communities are facing in the next 12 months, and to envision the ways social impact organizations should adapt in order to support a forward-looking recovery.
Our Next Digital Conversation:
Friday, September 25 1-2:15pm EDT: Climate Leadership in the Social Impact Sector
2020 was set to be an important year for climate transition and action. COVID-19 has delayed progress in the short term, as governments, business, and civil society focus on mitigating a possible recession. The pandemic, however, is a wake up call for all sectors, including Canada’s social sector, to evaluate our preparedness and readiness to tackle urgent crises.
Polls show that Canadians don’t want our society to go back to status quo post-pandemic — they want less commuting and less consumption, good moves for climate action. But how will social impact organizations embed climate action and a just transition into their missions?
Climate change isn’t for environmental NGOs alone. The impacts of climate change extend to all social impact organizations. So, what should the social sector’s climate leadership look like post-pandemic?
Join us during Climate Week to explore.
- Anjali Appadurai, Sierra Club BC
- Eryn Stewart, Indigenous Clean Energy
- Additional speakers to be announced soon!
Upcoming Digital Conversation:
- Tuesday, October 6 1-2:15pm EDT: Supporting Collective Mental Health
- Tuesday, October 22 1-2:15pm EDT: Reimagining Care
Follow and join the conversation using #BuildBackBetter
We thank United Way Centraide Canada and Community Foundations of Canada for partnering with Future of Good to host this event.