Bouncing Forward to a One Planet Region: Could Covid-19 be a Social Tipping Point?
While Covid-19 is a having a large social and economic impact, and a moderately serious health impact, this pales into comparison with the longer term, much larger and more serious health, social and economic impacts of the rapid and massive global ecological changes – including climate change – that we are creating. There is a danger that after Covid we will want to bounce back to the old economy as fast as we can, but that would be a tragic error. Instead, we need to ‘bounce forward’ to a new, more sustainable, just, convivial and healthy future. There are a number of signs of hope and opportunity in the current crisis that, alone or together, could make this time the social tipping point we need to reach before the planetary tipping point we must avoid. What can we do, locally and beyond, to create a more positive and hopeful vision of a post-Covid world? How can we help bring about the cascade of virtuous changes that will take us towards a One Planet Region in a One Planet Canada in a One Planet world?