Imagine a world where your basic economic needs are met. How would it change your art practice, your role in the community, and your life priorities? In January 2021, Media Arts Network of Ontario (MANO) asked 20 artists from diverse artistic disciplines and regions across c\a\n\a\d\a these very questions. Over two days, Basic Income: An Artists’ Commission brought together 20 artists to testify publicly about how income precarity affects their lives and practices. Their powerful stories illuminated how income support programs shape creativity, community engagement, and personal well-being.
Their testimonies have informed a comprehensive report authored by four commissioners, now ready for release. This report centers the voices of artists and cultural workers while contributing to the broader political and economic discourse on Basic Income. Our colleagues at MANO-RAMO invite you to explore the findings and imagine what a future grounded in economic justice for artists could be.
Save the date for this online event hosted on Zoom on Thursday, January 23 at 12:00 p.m EST.