Global Climate Week 2021

Join Us All Week for Events leading up to the Global Climate Strike 2021.  

Fridays For Future Toronto is back again this year with an in-person Global Climate Strike, CCC brings you all of the events leading up to September 24th, 2021. 

This Climate Community has worked hard to put together a selection of events sensitive to the variety of accessibility challenges we are all facing.  Including Digital Events, Socially Distanced Climate Action, Inter-generational Government Action, Actions you can take with your family or your social circle, and of course, the 2021 Snap Election.

After hearing the strength of your voices last year, and the continued demands this year, your Toronto Climate Community is organizing to amplify your Climate Demands. 

If you can’t come out to the events listed below, stay updated by clicking the button below and follow our Instagram coverage the events daily!

global Climate Strike Week Events

2025 February

Week 3

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The Climate Reality Project Canada has a full week of events leading up to the Global Climate Strike on September 24th, 2021. Register for their events above in the calendar!

If you post or tweet, make sure to use the hashtags: #climateweekofaction #climatestrike



What the Fight is For


Uprooting means removing by the roots, which reflects well our belief that we must address the root causes of the climate crisis to truly tackle it. By striking on September 24th under the banner #UprootTheSystem, we recognize and raise awareness about the intersections of climate and socio-economic crises including racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality and more. By striking together, united by common struggles, we demand a rapid and fair decarbonization of our economy, for a safer, greener, more just future.


  1. The Global North needs to cut emissions drastically by divesting from fossil fuels and ending its extraction, burning, and use. We need concrete plans and detailed annual carbon budgets with roadmaps and milestones to ensure we get to net-zero with justice and equity in the time needed to address climate change.
  2. The colonizers of the north have a climate debt to pay for their disproportionate amount of historic emissions and that starts with the increase of climate finance to implement anti-racist climate reparations, the cancellation of debts especially for damage caused by extreme weather events, and providing adaptation funds that serve the communities.
  3. Work towards a genuinely global recovery from COVID-19 by ensuring equitable vaccine distribution worldwide and suspending intellectual property restrictions on COVID-19 technologies. This is an essential step towards a global, green, and just recovery.
  4. Recognize the tangibility of the climate crisis as a risk to human safety and secure the rights of climate refugees in international law.
  5. Recognize the invaluable impact of biodiversity on indigenous communities’ lives and culture, and commit to make ecocide an international punishable crime.
  6. Stop the violence and criminalization against indigenous peoples, small farmers, small fisherfolk, and other environmental and land defenders. Support the work  they do.  Respect and listen to our defenders.


  1. MAPA (Most Affected Peoples and Areas) are unheard, not voiceless. They’ve been fighting for their present, not just their future. No one should be a prisoner of injustice. Don’t fight FOR MAPA, fight ALONGSIDE MAPA. MAPA are not just sad experiences, we must highlight their rich stories of resistance.
  2. MAPA countries are not “poor,” they are rich with resources but have been historically and  systematically oppressed and kept from developing.  The Global North leaders have a climate debt to pay to humanity. Urgent climate action and assisting with adaptation is not an “honorable duty” or “solidarity” it’s reparations for the injustices high income nations and sectors have caused through    their exploitation.
  3. MAPA voices must be amplified and centered in our fight for climate justice, otherwise even if we succeeded in limiting global warming to safe levels for life on Earth, marginalized communities would still be sacrificed and left behind, thus only part of the problem would be solved.
  4. Now more than ever, we have to join the masses and follow the lead of environmental defenders, workers, and those most ignored. Join in their struggle for decolonization, justice and autonomy. We must remember that our liberations are tied together.