CCTO Climate Cafe November 2022 for Parents
What is a Climate Café?
Climate Café is a warm and welcoming space, with facilitators, where you and others who are concerned about the climate crisis and related issues share your feelings and thoughts. It’s a haven from busyness and isolation. A space for you to come as you are, share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.
A Climate Café is not a space for planning climate action or discussing climate policy. While these actions are very important, they are not the focus of our Climate Cafés. We are taking this approach because we know that sharing feelings in a supportive setting helps to build our resilience during this confusing and difficult time.
This session will be hosted specifically for parents / carers / guardians who are experiencing strong emotions about climate change and looking to connect with others facing similar experiences.
You can learn more about our Climate Cafés at:
Meet your facilitators
Amy Castator, Toronto
Amy is one of the co-founders and the current President of CCTO. Over the past decade, Amy has supported thousands of people across Canada to take action for nature through her work leading WWF-Canada’s Living Planet @ Work program. She is now merging her passions for climate action and connecting with others into her climate coaching practice, where she supports environmentalists to find more ease and joy in connecting with the Earth in a profound and loving way.
Janet Mrenica, Ottawa & Elphin
Janet is a FCPA, FCMA, a life time environmentalist, a Climate Reality Leader, a trained CCTO facilitator and active with the Global Climate Coaching Alliance. A former Executive with the Federal Public Service, Janet is bilingual, is an accredited Integral Professional Coach and a Climate Change Coach, accredited at the Associate level with the International Coaching Federation. She is passionate for holding space for meaningful conversations, in personal and organizational contexts in leadership, conflict, grief, loss, and climate change.